The objective of this document is to establish the General Conditions of Access and Use of the Target Estates website and other web portals owned by Target Estates. Target Estates reserves the right to unilaterally modify the General Conditions of Access and Use, so as to adapt them to current regulations. These General Conditions of Access and Use do not exclude the possibility that certain services of the website and their specific characteristics will be subject to their own particular conditions. The user's utilisation of any of the services of the Target Estates website supposes their express acceptance of and adhesion to the version of the General Conditions of Access and Use published on this website on the date on which they access it. This acceptance and adhesion also relates to other particular conditions that are applied indirectly.
On the Target Estates website, the information for each property is owned by each of the agents of Target Estates. Therefore each agent is legally and financially independent and Target Estates is NOT responsible for the information and/or content added to the system by each of the agents or by any of its Associated Agents, administrative staff or managers, etc. The provided information is only for informational purposes and may be in the form of pictures, plans, photos, videos, characteristics, construction designs, prices and zones, among others. These do not constitute a contractual offer for all intents and purposes and are not intended to be exhaustive, nor do they exempt the user's right to consult the laws, regulations and respective authorities. All the data concerning the properties on offer on the Target Estates website, excepting typographical errors, is the responsibility of the corresponding Target Estates agents . Furthermore, Target Estates declines any responsibility for the content of the websites of the various agents which are members of the Target Estates network and their agents. Therefore, it expressly depends on them to verify the veracity of their own data, requiring the final approval from the owner and/or their legal representative. Also, each of Target Estates agents guarantee that they comply with any and all of the legal obligations concerning all matters of data protection. Target Estates is not responsible for the availability of the content of websites to which links have been established and it expressly declines all responsibility for them. Consequentially, Target Estates is in no way responsible for any direct, indirect, accidental damages or consequences that stem from visiting its websites. these include loss of data, loss of income or other profits and the interference with business processes which arise from the interruption or the impossibility of using the information on this website.
Users, in accordance with the law and these Conditions of Use, undertake to not use the site in any way that violates the legally protected positions of Target Estates or third parties. They must use the resources and characteristics of the site responsibly, prudently and carefully, not interrupting or harming its continuity, integrity or quality. They must abstain from attempting to obtain information, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, videos and software, and in general any material or content available on the website, through means or procedures other than those which have been made available or those which are generally used on the Internet for these purposes. In no cases should they use a method which might affect the functionality of the website or any application. With the exception of that allowed by Target Estates, they cannot use or commercially exploit in any way the support service, including its content, materials, characteristics or resources, without obtaining express written authorization from Target Estates.
You are the only one responsible for all the content, information, data, communications (including their appendices), materials, etc. which have been made available for your use through the Target Estates website or which are stored on its servers. Users undertake to obtain the necessary authorisation before using or accessing in any way materials that are subject to intellectual property rights or rights of a different nature - such as the image rights of Target Estates or third parties. Target Estates reserves the right to modify and/or delete any content of the Target Estates website, at any time and with no prior notice.
We will share information with companies, organisations or individuals outside of Spain if we believe in good faith that the access, use and conservation or the distribution of said information is reasonably required for:
We may publically share aggregated information which does not contain personal identification information with our partners, such as publishers, advertisers or connected websites.
If Target Estates were to take part in a merger, acquisition or sale of assets, we would continue to guarantee the confidentiality of all personal information and we would notify the affected users before the personal information is transferred or if it would be subject to a different privacy policy.
When requesting information through the website or through Target Estates applications (mobile or otherwise), providing your personal data in the process, you allow us to share said data with companies, organisations and individuals outside our company, for marketing or other related purposes.
Target Estates adopts organisational and technological security measures and practices in information security management for the protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and the trustworthiness of the inter-organisational exchanges in which it is involved. This particularly concerns community regulations, legislation and specific recommendations about information security.
Joining the Target Estates electronic platform services presupposes knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained within this privacy policy and the assignment of a password. This document (the Target Estates Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use') shall be shown during the access request process and formal acceptance of it is required for the process to be able to continue. You should cancel the process if you do not agree with the conditions of this document or if you have questions which you wish to clarify beforehand.
The password is generated and assigned by Target Estates, based on a unique process which ensures total confidentiality. The user's responsibility for the personal password is non-transferable along with its good use and confidentiality.
The owner of the password can change the data query identification into a chain of characters of their choosing, through the 'Change password' option available on the Target Estates electronic platforms. It is advisable to choose a password that cannot be discovered by third parties. For example, the use of easily accessed identification details, such as your date of birth, should be avoided, using instead a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters and numerical characters.
The interested party has the right to obtain access to requests, rectification and deletion of their data. For these purposes, please contact Target Estates via email: [email protected].
These conditions can be changed, especially as a consequence of the availability of new services or if the legislation which governs these matters changes. Said changes must be published by Target Estates. If you do not agree with the modifications, you must request the immediate deletion of your personal data as detailed above.
All the policies which are available in the services must be followed.
Our services must not be used incorrectly. For example, our services must not be interfered with and access must not be attempted through methods other than the interface and instructions that we provide. Our services must only be used in accordance with that permitted by law, including the law and regulations for the control of exports and re-exports. We may suspend or cease to provide the services if our conditions or policies of use are not followed or if we are investigating possible misconduct.
The use of our services does not give those who access them any intellectual property rights over the services or content. The content of our services cannot be used unless there is authorisation from the respective author or under circumstances allowed by law. These conditions of use do not grant any rights to use any of the brands or logos used in our services. Any legal notice which is shown in or alongside our services must not be eliminated, hidden or altered.
Our services may display some content which is not owned by Target Estates. This content is the exclusive responsibility of the agent which makes it available. We may review the content to determine whether it is illegal or if it violates our policies and we may delete or refuse the displaying of content which we reasonably deem to infringe on our policies or the law. However, this does not necessarily mean that the content is evaluated and therefore it should not be assumed that we do so.
We may send you service announcements, administrative messages and other information related to the use of the services. You can choose to not receive some of these messages.
Some of our services are available on mobile devices. Do not use said services when they may constitute a distraction and impede you from obeying the road traffic laws or safety.
Each user of the services available from Target Estates is bound to the acceptance of and compliance with the conditions expressed in this document.
For any additional clarification about the privacy policy and the rules of use of this website, please contact Target Estates via email: [email protected].
The Target Estates privacy policies explain how we handle your personal data and protect your privacy when you use our services.
When using our services, you accept that Target Estates may use this data in accordance with its privacy policies.
We provide information to help the owners of copyrights manage their intellectual property on the Internet. If you believe that someone is violating your copyright and you wish to notify us, you can contact us via email: [email protected].